Wednesday, January 4, 2012

laughter...melts my heart

I just had to stop what I was doing & write this moment down.  It's been a long day. A long week--your birthday was yesterday (many posts on Christmas & birthday to come) & we had a play date today with some very dear friends, & now we are getting ready for your party on Saturday.  You & your dad are in the playroom while I have a little down time before we put you to bed.  Your dad, well he is amazing, but he has been reading to you for the past 20 minutes--every book on the bookshelf!  You haven't really been paying attention to him at all, but all of the sudden I hear you laugh.  Daddy reads a little, you laugh.  He reads more, you laugh. And on, and on it goes for 15 minutes.  It's the sweetest sound in the world.  I don't ever want to forget that sweet little laugh.  I don't ever want to forget hearing your dad reading to you & you laughing. God knew I needed to hear that-- it was at the perfect moment, but I shouldn't expect anything less because His timing is perfect.  I hope you know how loved you are, because we love you A LOT!!!!

And there it is again......laughter! My cup runneth over!

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing the other night when David was bathing L! I wish I could hold onto that little laugh forever! God is so good!!
